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SFWA’s Humble Bundle Provides Tons of Post-Apocalyptic Reading Material


SFWA’s Humble Bundle Provides Tons of Post-Apocalyptic Reading Material

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SFWA’s Humble Bundle Provides Tons of Post-Apocalyptic Reading Material


Published on March 24, 2015


Not only is the new Humble Bundle post-apocalypse-themed, but it’s also the organization’s first mixed-media bundle. You know, in case we wind up in a Fahrenheit 451-esque future and need different media through which to remember our favorite stories. The Humble Post-Apocalyptic Bundle includes books, graphic novels, magazines, an audiobook, and a game.

Humble Bundle Director of Books Kelley Allen worked with John Joseph Adams to curate the best “post-apoc” stories from both the greats and up-and-comers. Highlights include a 2010 issue of Lightspeed Magazine featuring a story by George R.R. Martin examining the value of memory after an apocalypse; the audiobook edition of Hugh Howey’s Wool omnibus; and The Strain, a Dark Horse comic book series about an ancient vampire infection.

The Humble Bundle also includes several reissues of well-known novels. SFWA President Steven Gould said,

We are grateful for Humble Bundle’s continued support. I am quite excited, in particular, to see two of my favorite novels reissued, Roger Zelazny’s Damnation Alley and Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Sower.

Along with the Worldbuilders charity, SFWA is one of the beneficiaries of this bundle, with some of the money going toward SFWA’s Emergency Medical and Legal Fund.

As with other bundles, you can pay what you want for a collection valued at $184. Paying more than the average of $9.52 will unlock titles like Damnation Alley, while purchasing the bundle for $15 gives you access to Parable of the Sower, and other books yet to be announced.

Vampires, zombies, natural disasters… this bundle has you covered for every type of apocalypse. You’ve got til April 1 to take advantage of the deal!

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Stubby the Rocket


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